From the Foundation of the World
Oh, the antiquity of the love of God to believers!
Who loved us, provided for us, and contrived all our happiness, and hope, before we ever existed.
Though we have tribulation we have the promise that is given to all of those who put their faith in him. (Rom. 4:13-25)
Believers hold claim on it now because God is good! What amazing grace! What a blessed assurance!
How reasonable then should it be that we embrace the hardest terms of obedience to Christ, who complied with such hard terms for our salvation?
The terms in which Christ received you from the righteous wrath of a Holy God must have been the hardest terms ever.
John Flavel had this discourse of how the conversation might have went between Father and Son.
Father. My Son, here is a company of poor miserable souls, that have utterly undone themselves, and now lie open to my justice! Justice demands satisfaction for them, or will satisfy itself in the eternal ruin of them: What shall be done for these souls? Christ reply’s
Son. O my Father, such is my love to, and pity for them, that rather than they shall perish eternally, I will be responsible for them as their Surety; bring in all thy bills, that I may see what they owe thee; Lord, bring them all in, that there may be no after reckonings with them; at my hand shalt thou require it. I will rather choose to suffer thy wrath than they should suffer it: upon me, my Father, upon me be all their debt.
Father. But, my Son, if thou undertake for them, thou must reckon to pay the last mite, expect no abatements; if I spare them, I will not spare thee.
Son. Content, Father, let it be so; charge it all upon me, I am able to discharge it: and though it prove a kind of undoing to me, though it impoverish all my riches, empty all my treasures, (for so indeed it did, “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, so that you through His poverty might become rich.” 2 Cor. 8:9 BSB) yet I am content to undertake it.
Blush, ungrateful believers, O let shame cover your faces; judge in yourselves now, hath Christ deserved that you should stand with Him for trifles, that you should shrink at a few petty difficulties, and complain, this is hard, and that is harsh?
O, if you knew the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ in this his wonderful condescension for you, you could not do it(shrink from your calling). - John Flavel, works, Vol. 1, pg. 61
Oh the richness of his love for you that when you were yet sinners from the foundation of the world he still died for you.
He gave all for you to give you life and life more abundant(by the knowledge of His mercy and grace).
Lift your head weary sinner and know your salvation draws near for the seeds he planted are almost ready to be harvested in His blessed elect though the precious blood of our redeemer, Jesus, the Lion and the Lamb.
So Believer take strength you were numbered and from the foundation of the world you were chosen. (John 17:6-8,17)
An know that those that turn many to righteousness will shine like the stars in the firmament!
“And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.” Daniel 12:3 KJV
Thank you Jesus. Amen.